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Pesto Lasagne

Dare I say it - I might just like this more than a traditional meat lasagne! Shhh... don't tell anyone!


For the basic tomato sauce:

1 onion

4 garlic cloves

400g tin tomatoes

8 - 10 basil leaves

Salt & pepper

To assemble:

1 pkt Real Pasta Lasagne sheets

250g fresh mozzarella (fresh moz in brine is better than the grated packet stuff here!)

100g ricotta

50g freshly grated parmesan

250g basil pesto


- Begin by making the tomato sauce. Gently saute onion in oil over medium heat for 3 - 4 mins, add garlic, saute further 2 mins.

- Add tomatoes, salt & pepper and basil leaves, simmer until tasty


In a rectangluar dish roughly 30cm X 20cm or some version of that, arrange:

Lasagne sheets x 4

Half of your tomato mixture

Half of your mozzarella

All ricotta

Sprinkle of salt & pepper

Lasagne sheets x 4

100g pesto

All of the parmesan

Rest of the tomato mixture

Lasagne sheets x 4

Rest of pesto

Rest of mozzarella

Bake in the bottom of the oven at 180 for roughly 40 mins or until cheese is melted and looking good.


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